Aerial Inspections Services

A Complete Aviation Service

Industries such as the oil business are spread out over a large area of land. Other industries have large equipment. These are difficult to inspect on foot without taking a lot time and resources and potentially requiring extra safety precautions. So why not do your surveying and inspections from the air instead?

So much more is visible from the air than from the ground. Plus, a helicopter can complete the job much more quickly than it can be done by land vehicles. All equipment can be inspected, no matter how large or tall it is. In addition, a helicopter can carry the necessary scanning equipment to do any type of survey necessary.

Pipeline and Powerline Inspections

Utilities such as power, water, and gas are essential in today’s world. People rely on them to survive and businesses need them to operate. It’s vital to ensure that the powerlines and pipelines that service these utilities are kept in the best shape possible. However, there are thousands of miles of lines in the Bahamas alone.

The fastest and easiest way to inspect power and pipelines is to do so from the air. A helicopter can cover a lot more ground more quickly so that all lines are inspected in a timely fashion. From the air, it’s easier to see if a branch or other debris is lying on top of a powerline or if debris is interfering with a pipeline.

A helicopter can also more easily cover powerlines and pipelines that are in more remote areas. If there isn’t a well-maintained road next to the lines, by helicopter may be the only way to accurately inspect these areas.

Oil Field and Gas Inspections

Inspecting an entire oil field is a costly, time-consuming, and even dangerous endeavor. To do it on the ground, a company would need to assemble teams of engineers who would then drive to each asset in order to inspect it. For gas pipelines, someone would have to walk the length of the pipeline with a clipboard to inspect each pipe. These inspections can take a very long time and can be hazardous to your employees.

Chartering a helicopter to do an aerial survey of gas pipelines and oil fields is a much faster and safer way to carry out an inspection. With an aerial inspection, there’s no need to drive in between each asset or section of the pipeline. In addition, no one has to spend time on the asset itself, making the job safer and freeing up employees for other tasks as they won’t be spending as much time on the inspection.

Aerial Land Inspections

No matter what you need to be surveyed, a helicopter is the right tool for the job. A helicopter charter can carry equipment and sensors as well as cameras in order to carry out and record the inspection. Some land is difficult to inspect from the ground, either because of terrain or long distances.

Chartering a helicopter to do an aerial inspection of a company’s or industry’s property and assets, no matter where it is located. Even if it’s far from a city in a rural area that is difficult to reach, a helicopter can do an aerial inspection that might be difficult and time-consuming to do from the ground.

Large Equipment Inspections

For any industry that involves large equipment, a helicopter charter is a convenient way to inspect the asset. It’s a safer way to carry out an inspection because the inspectors don’t have to be on the asset themselves and can view it from the safety of the helicopter. Conducting an aerial inspection of large equipment is also a faster method for discovering any faults or damage to the equipment.

If you have equipment or land that needs to be inspected, charter a helicopter with HeliJet Solutions today.