Christmas is fast approaching and with it, one of the busiest travel times of the year. In the days leading up to Christmas and the days immediately following the holiday, there are millions of people traveling. Everyone is trying to get home or visit family or leave for their vacation all at the same time.

Fortunately, there’s a better option that will get you to where you want to be this Christmas that will let you avoid the crowds. Booking a private jet charter to your destination will make your flight an enjoyable part of your holiday rather than something that must be endured to get there.

Skip the Lines at the Airport

With even the most comfortable commercial flight, you still have to arrive at the airport hours early, wait to check your bags, wait to get through the security checkpoint, wait at the gate, and then wait to board. With a private jet charter, you don’t have to wait for your airplane. The airplane waits for you.

You’ll need to arrive at the airport, but only a short time before your flight. There’s no need to get there hours early. You’ll also still have a security check, but you’re the only one in line! The holidays are already a stressful time and eliminating a source of frustration and worry can make all the difference to your holiday.

Fly Direct

Unless you live in a major city and are traveling to another major city, chances are good that you won’t be able to find a direct flight if you’re flying commercial. Flying private means that your jet can take you from anywhere you are to anywhere you want to go. In addition, a private jet can fly to more locations than a commercial jet.

Commercial airlines don’t service every small airport. If your destination isn’t close to a larger airport, you might have difficulty reaching it easily on a commercial flight. However, private jets can fly to small airports all over the country that are otherwise overlooked by commercial airlines. 

Flying directly to your destination also means that your flight time is shorter. You don’t have to stop at another airport for a layover, which would add hours to your trip. This means that you can spend more time with the family you’re visiting or get more hours out of your vacation.

Schedule Flexibility

Another benefit of flying privately is that if your plans change, it’s easy to change your flight schedule without undue hassle or paying additional fees. If a last-minute project delays your departure or if Christmas presents were forgotten at home and you have to go back for them, it’s not a problem. Your departure time can be adjusted for any reason.

Something that would have made you miss a commercial flight is easily accommodated when you fly privately. Even if you need to leave earlier, HeliJet Solutions can make the necessary changes to your schedule to get you where you need to go when you need to be there. You won’t have to worry about missing your flight and losing time that you could otherwise be spending with your loved ones this holiday season.

In-Flight Comfort

Once you’re in the air, it’s the comfort and level of service on board a private jet charter that sets flying privately apart from flying commercially. Even the nicest first-class seat can’t compare to flying private. If you’re traveling with your family, the flight doesn’t have to be trying to distract kids and keep them quiet. Instead, the entertainment can be tailored to your choices, so the flight can be a fun time spent with your family instead of stressful.

When you arrive at your holiday destination on a private jet, you’ll arrive relaxed and refreshed instead of exhausted. If you’re taking a vacation this holiday, you can start the vacation the moment you set foot on the plane. If you’re visiting family, you can arrive ready to spend time with them.

Book Your Private Jet Charter

To book your private jet charter for the holidays, contact HeliJet Solutions at 800-889-4354 or visit our request a quote page.